Thursday, March 1, 2012

This is a rare post, where i complain about my holidays

Last week was both fun and sad.

I started my semester break last week but didnt went home straight away. Stayed in Shah Alam for a week as i was required to perform on the 28th. A week spent in Shah Alam was a bore, but not completely. I still had fun occasionally. Let's see. What did i do last week that can at least be considered as fun?

I went shopping with the book vouchers i got. Yeah that's fun. Late night supper out with the bunch, that's fun too. Oh. And we did Zuley's birthday celebration the other day at Sepang Gold Coast. God, he was such a pain in the ass, wouldnt even cooperate for his own birthday party. For one milisecond there i was convinced i was friends with a chimpanzee. So freaking annoying! Haha. Would probably blog properly bout this one once the photos are uploaded.

I think that's about it. Other days would just found me in my apartment watching downloaded tv shows or reading books i bought earlier. Like a sad sad lonely person. It comes to a point where dance practice would become the only thing i look forward to everyday.

Speaking of which, the performance went well. I guess. I did two performances, in which one was terribly done in my opinion but the other one was quite a success. But feedbacks were not so bad so i guess i didnt humiliate myself completely that night, oh thank God. Unfortunately, not a lot of photos of me were taken that night since i was too busy eating. If i wasnt on stage, i was at my table eating. That pretty much sums up how my night went.

Somewhere along the week, i received a bad news. My friends and i were heartbroken when we heard bout the news and everyone was so gloomy. But i dont want to elaborate on this since everything is not official yet. Right now, we're just hoping for the best and our prayers answered.

Anyways, i am home now. One month of semester break, whoa. Believe me, that's the longest holiday i've ever got since i entered college. One bloody whole month. What am i going to do here??


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