Thursday, November 24, 2011

Conquering Broga Hill

Two weeks ago, i conquered Broga Hill.

You must be wondering, is this for real? You mean, this Nina, the Nina who would create 1001 irrational excuses just to bail out from jogging? The Nina who pants her way up just three flights of stairs?

Turns out that sissy girl has evolved because she had just conquered Broga Hill - wait for it - like a boss! *flips hair*

Broga Hill is located in Semenyih and is near Nottingham University. Since Semenyih is like so far away, prolly 345678998765km from Shah Alam or whatever, i decided to crash in my friend Syazana's place in Semenyih the night before. The others decided to do so too, so we thought we're gonna have a little girly girl slumber party that night, just us gossiping and eating and stuff (i like the eating part).

Nah, we were too hyperactive that we just cant stay put at home and decided to go karaoke, along with some Nottingham boys. Sang like mad for three hours and went home at about 3am.

First you have to know that Broga Hill is a famous spot for sunrise watching. And so our plan was to get up at 5am and reach the peak before sunrise. But thanks to the power karaoke session we had the night before, we ended up oversleeping! Talk about an epic fail! Pfffttt

So we started our hike at about 8am. They were so many people there, walking along the same route you're taking and i have got to admit that the situation is pretty annoying. But well the hike must go on, so we just mind our own business and slowly made our way up.

Look at how crowded the place was "-__-

The view of the first peak. Weee feels like i'm in a Hindustan movie

All was going well until suddenly...

...someone puked. Haha! The incident was so funny i have just got to blog about it! Fateen was terribly exhausted that she ended up puking in the forest. I pity her, i really do, but the devil inside me just couldnt stop laughing haha.

"Korang teruskan naik je lah. Tinggalkan aku seorang dekat sini. Nanti ayah aku rescue aku pakai helicopter."

Hahahaha you should have seen her face when she said that. Priceless! Should've taken a photo and sell it on eBay.

When we reached the first peak, Fateen was determined not to continue the hike to the fourth peak. We tried everything to get her to move her big ass butt but nothing seemed to work. Until Taka said something to her....

"Kalau kau berjaya naik sampai fourth peak, aku bagi kau satu handbag LV. Original."

And off she went all the way to the highest peak "-___- This girl, so cheap one.

Taka too afraid to lose the bet, and Fateen to excited to receive an LV handbag


Anyways, after a while we safely reached the fourth peak when suddenly, unfortunately for us, it rained. We were practically stranded on top of some hill with rain pouring down like mad, like a bunch of homeless kids with no shelter. We took shelter under some trees in the woods and ate some breads while waiting for the rain to stop. Thankfully it didn't took long enough.

The faces of the homeless kids

But then the real problem hit us. How on earth do we go down a hill, with the ground all muddy and slippery, without killing ourselves in the process? The answer is: Good sliding skills.

Of course i didn't have the skills to slide gracefully. I ended up tunggang terbalik like a fat cow and my clothes & shoes were all muddy whenever i try to slide. Once, i slide down at such high speed and wasnt able to stop myself that Shahrin had to grab my wrist and stop me before i went more out of control. Such a dangerous thing, i should be interviewed on TV for surviving that! Hek hek. But to hell with the dangerous bit, the sliding was so much fun! We even sat on a cardboard box and slide down the muddy trail using it. But of course i was the only girl who thought it was fun, the other girls just used the normal way down. Boo.

Going up the Broga Hill was definitely a one of a kind experience for me cause i am not the outdoorsy type who goes camping, or hiking and such that often. So thank you Fateen, Syazana, Syazliza, Farah, Nadia, Shahrin, Faez and Taka for a superb weekend.

Thinking i should do this again another time, this time with another set of friends! :)

Was supposed to be just TTS. I added the small "i" haha

Monday, November 7, 2011

Stupid rants

We meet again for another one of Nina's stupid rants.

1. I was acting foolish last weekend. It was Chic Pop 10, and i did some unnecessary shopping. I saved up some money for the occasion and guess what. I spent them all. ALL! I practically went home with just RM10 in my purse. But weird as it sounds, i never regretted it. Hey i walked out with a new top, new blazer, new bangles & new ring! If that's not the ingredients to a happy woman, then what is?

2. And just a few days ago i bought myself a varsity jacket. But there's a story behind this one. I was so pissed for not being able to go home for Aidiladha that i demanded my parents for some money. "What for?", asked my dad, to which i answer "To survive." What he doesn't know is that by "survive" i meant "shopping for an expensive varsity jacket that i have been eyeing for quite some time." Mwehehehehe if only you would just let me go home, daddy, things would be a lot easier.

3. Just by reading those two points above, you can already imagine how my bank looks like at the moment. Not very pretty me tell ya. But now i want new shoes! Daddy! You reading this?! I want new shoes! Oh my God Becky Bloomwood where is Nina and what have you done to her.

3. Speaking of Aidiladha, i'm sure most of you spent the day with your precious family and delicious food. I, on the other hand, spent it with my friend Asma in Shah Alam with no source of food or whatsoever. Pity huh? (Parents, you guys feeling guilty yet??) Bless Asma for keeping me company. She's such a dear, although i agreed to just ignore the fact that the real reason she was with me was because she's running away from those masjid's men who wanted to slaughter her for korban. Such a coward lembu, this friend of mine. But the day gets better when Emira noticed our sad tweets and generously decided to pick us up to spend the night at hers. So we got to eat real food after all! And we had some company! Hurrah! *fireworks*

4. Emira's house, now this i should rant more on. That place is the mother of all the awesome houses. It's her new house and i guess we were the first few who had got the chance to check it out. It's 4-storeys high, including a basement where they made it into a music studio (they're a musical lot) and a mini cinema/karaoke place. There's a swimming pool, of course, but my favorite spot is definitely the rooftop. I've always wanted a house with a rooftop where i can hang out and just lepak there. Emira's have the view of Subang and according to her, they can easily see fireworks from Sunway Pyramid there. Gosh, i can already imagine the magical feeling.

5. This just happened and at first I told myself to be calm about it and shouldn't even blog about it but to hell with that i definitely can't calm down BECAUSE I LOST MY BELOVED DC BATMAN TANK TOP!! I have been searching everywhere for the past 3 days and still, no clue of its whereabouts. The last time i wore it was a month ago and i'm pretty sure i kept it safely. BUT IT IS NOWHERE TO BE SEEN NOW! IS MY ROOM SOME SORT OF A MINI VERSION OF BERMUDA TRIANGLE? Oh the mysteries of life. I want my Batman back. You reading this, yes you. Find it for me. :(

That's it for today's Nina's stupid rants. Tune in next time for more exciting news.