Saturday, January 21, 2012

Annoying Things People Do At Concerts

Hmm so i was inspired by my recent post to write about this. Truth be told, I've been dyiiiiing to point these out, so here's my chance.


Here are the types of people that makes me wish i'm at home instead of a concert:

1. Sweaty and smelly

Of course, it is perfectly normal for someone to get sweaty at a concert. The place is packed and they are so many people there. You can even get sweaty in an air conditioned space, so all is forgiven. But if you know that you're the excessive sweaty type, please use your common sense and wear the appropriate clothes. Dont wear clothes that absorbs ALL your sweat, it gets completely drenched that even the person beside you can feel your sweat. Atleast wear something inside, like a thin shirt or something, so that others wont have direct contact with your sweat. Tak malu ke shirt penuh dengan sweat stains aduhai. And also, for God's sake, please wear deodorant. Perfume is definitely not enough. Spray perfume as much as you want, but if you dont wear deodorant, you will smell anyway when you sweat. It gets worse when you wear sleveless tops, oh myyy.

2. Chatty people who talks about annoying stuff

This usually happens before the concert starts. Yeah i know, you got bored after waiting for hours and hours and you started to get all tensed up you feel like your head is gonna explode. But you know what? You're not the only one who feels that way. Talking loudly to your friends about stupid stuff that the whole world can hear you aint gonna help anyone. You can have your conversations, but please do it at a considerable volume. People who talk talk talk loud loud loud is terribly annoying, especially in this situation when everybody else is also tensed, so it became extra mega times ten to the power of six annoying.

3. Lovey dovey couples

I cant help rolling my eyes everytime i see couples who thinks they have the most incredible love story in this planet and cant stop looking at each other with googly eyes at concerts. I get confused. Did you came here to listen to some music, or were you just finding an excuse to grab your girlfriend's ass when it's dark?

There's this one couple behind me at FTP's who just wouldnt let each other go and were hugging the entire freaking time. And i kept hearing the girlfriend say "Sayang, janganlah pegang macam tu. Orang ramai nii. Hihihihi." LIKE HELLOOO, GET A ROOM PLEASE! They were even more annoying couples, in which the boyfriends would let their girlfriends to sit on their shoulder while standing. Ok fine, you love your girlfriend so much that you're willing to bear the pain of having to carry your girlfriend's huge ass, but imagine what the people behind you feeling. They cant see a thing for crying out loud! That is so selfish, i hope you couples have ugly babies.

4. Texting and tweeting

People are jumping around, enjoying music, and there you are right in the middle of the hyperactive crowd... texting/tweeting. Dude, what if someone accidentally push you and your phone slips from your hand and gets swallowed by the black pitch (not to mention full of people's legs) floor? There's no way your phone will survive that, i guarantee. Might as well save us the guilt, and DONT DO THAT. Checking and updating your phone once in a while is ok, but if you have your head down most of the time instead of focusing on the stage, well, i suggest you go marry your phone. And again, have ugly babies.

5. Backpacks

I honestly dont understand why people bring backpacks to concerts. Did you think concert is another word for camping? What do people put in those bags anyway. The huge bags would just take up all the space and makes it more crowded than it already is. It gets more intolerable when the bags are so huge it blocks my view. If you couldnt leave your enormous backpacks at home, well.... go marry your backpacks and have ugly babies.

6. High heels

This, i also dont understand. To me, i think concert outfits should be comfortable and easy to move in cause you're gonna be there for a long time and there's not enough space so you would have to wear something that can actually let you breath and live. Just put on some good ol sneakers and you're good to go. Those wearing high heels, i cant even... I can almost feel their excruciating pain. And imagine if you were dancing to the music and you accidentally stepped on someone's foot? That would cause some trouble. Sigh why are these people so dumb. Kesian. If you are trying to impress the celebrity on stage, dont bother. They cant even see your pretty legs, sayang. Beauty is pain your ass lah.

7. Cameras and camcorders

You know, when people go to concerts, they want to be able to see the stage. Well atleast i know i do. I didnt pay hundreds to see cameras and camcorders held high, blocking my view. Taking a few pictures is fine, but recording the WHOLE show? That's just unacceptable. Maybe these type of people are trying to be famous on Youtube or something, whatever, but please. Think of others too. We suffer because of you dude, suffer!

8. Aggresive dancing

A concert is not a club. Nor a dance studio. If you're planning to show your moves, then just dont. This usually happens at gigs, where teenagers would just went all crazy as if someone flipped their switch. But we see some of these people at concerts too. Should i repeat for a million times more, that at a concert, the place is pretty crowded. Not much for dancing there dude. Jump around a little or sway to the music, that's fine. Just.. dont get confused and thinks you're in So You Think You Can Dance. Aggresive dancing can shift others' attention from the stage to you, and that's just disturbing.

There are more, but i can only think of these at the moment. Maybe i'll add more later, maybe i wont. So tell me, have you met these kind of annoying people? I bet you have, and i bet you want to tear their limbs apart like an angry werewolf like i do.

And if you find yourself listed in any of the catogaries above, tolonglah berubah wahai manusia. Kesian do orang lain merana woi. Please cooperate, and let's have fun together!

p/s: Entri ini tiada kaitan dengan yang hidup atau yang mati. Dan tiada binatang yang tercedera dalam pembikinan entri ini. Maaf jika ada yang terasa.

Foster The People Live In KL: Getting The Kids All Pumped Up!

What a great way to start 2012. One of the biggest indie rock bands to hit the scene in 2011 just came to town!

Last Friday night yeah we danced on table tops..... Eh.

Last Friday night saw me singing (or screaming?) and dancing to Foster The People's upbeat music. They were having their first ever concert in Malaysia in KLCC with just a few songs from ONE album to gamble. Man, these guys got guts.

The show started off with "Houdini" which automatically transformed me straight from the sensible Nina to the "I LOVE THIS SHIITTTTTTTTT" Nina. They played 13 songs altogether which came from their album Torches (the one and only), including a couple of unfamiliar songs, probably teasers for their new album. They also did a cover of Weezer's "Say It Ain't So" which i think was beautifully done. Weezer can be proud. And of course, they finished with a good remix of their hit "Pumped Up Kicks" which got everyone singing to the top of their lungs since, hey, siapa tak hafal memang noob gila okay. However, if i were to pick a favourite from that night's show, it'd probably be Don't Stop. The song has been my ringtone for months and when i finally hear them play it live... MAN, I GOT SEIZURES!

Foster The People Live In KL - Dont Stop

I was probably somewhere in that crowd, going crazy. Yeah... that's probably my hand. Yup that one uhuh uhuh.

Mark Foster, need i say more, was superb. He handled the instruments like he owned them, and made the show a bit more interesting with his silly shuffle and shoulder moves on stage. He's very talented, that young man. I doubted his singing talent at first, cause you know, with the song Pumped Up Kicks being autotuned on the radio and all. Turns out he has a really good voice, kinda reminded me a bit of Maroon 5's frontman, Adam Levine.

He even gave the fans some inspirational words.

“Love what you do and don’t do it for success or money. I want to encourage you — just do what you love and work hard. Don’t let fear get in the way. We took a long time working at jobs we did not like to get here to be with you and the next song is about the struggle.”

All in all, the entire show was satisfying. I didnt regret any cent spent, and any second of me being there. Foster The People did an outstanding job and i'm pretty sure that by the time they left KL, they had gained more fans than before. Despite the small riot that happened right before the concert, everything was a success. I had a great time! (Thanks to the riot, i managed to get in the Fanatic Zone with just a RM98 ticket! Hekhek i'm pretty sure if any of the Fanatic Zone ticket holders is reading this... they're pissed!)

However, prior to the concert, i have been getting these annoying comments, such as...

Going to FTP's concert, trying to look hipster?
FYI, i am not claiming myself a hipster or whatsoever. I am just a girl who enjoys their music. Is that so hard to understand. Why should anyone believe that everyone who went the the concert is trying to look cool and all fake hipster-ish? How blonde. And if they were hipsters, why is that bothering you?

FTP only got one album. You think it's worth it? They're just some indie band trying to go mainstream.
One album, yes, but a great one. I love almost all of their songs. And i dont think it's a waste of my time and money if i truly like the thing i'm doing. Besides, it's my purse i'm forking my money out from, so again, why should you bother? And if you think they're just some indie band, too bad i dont. They're not JUST some indie band, they're an awesome one who makes good music. I find this hard to hear, especially when it comes from someone who worships Justin Bieber and his kind. Pfft what a musician.

You only know one song from the radio, Pumped Up Kicks, and now you think you're some sort of a fan?
Who the hell said i only know one song? I have the entire album downloaded and i listen to them all the time. I know the lyrics, i know the beat. If there's anyone who only knows one FTP song, it's you. And believe it or not, most of the people who went to the concert sang along to almost all of the songs performed, not just Pumped Up Kicks.

Mark Foster sounds like shit live.
No he doesnt. He sounds good and he plays good. I have never seen someone play the keyboard as crazy as him before. FTP sounded as good live as they do in their album or the radio. These are not lip-syincing Kpop dudes ok!

Mehh. Maybe these people were just jealous cause they're missing out on a night filled with joy!

p/s: We didn't manage to snap any pictures from the night cause we couldn't enter the hall with a DSLR, so we had to ask for a kind stranger's help to keep the camera in their car. Meanwhile, Damia's phone was running out of battery and my phone's camera is just blergh so.... yeah. No pictures. BUMMER KAAANN. The photos above are taken from TimeOut KL and Seventeen's review post.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Cliche post: The Recap

So what had 2011 taught me?

To be frank, 2011 started a bit rough for me. It was a bumpy ride. And i mean REALLY bumpy. Some of you might think i overreacted, and some of you might even be rolling your eyes while you read this saying "Haa dah start dah Nina ni nak kenang cerita lama lepas tu sedih tah apa apa padahal benda kecik jaa pun amagad go get a life woman". Ok sebenarnya dialog tu aku rasa macam nak cakap dekat diri sendiri. But anyway, that doesnt changed the fact that i was hurt.

Bukan putus cinta ok. Bunyi macam putus cinta kan? Ok geli.

But seriously, the thing that happened makes it hard for me to trust again. Truthfully, i dont know why it affected me so much. It's not like i've never experienced it before. But this one was slightly different. I cried. Sumpah, aku sendiri pun tak faham! Jangan kata saya pondan, please!

As time goes by, the wound slowly healed. The scar's still there, right to this very day, but it's healing. I see the people who hurt me everyday. Back then, yes, it hurts. But now i can just look at them without feeling anything. Nak kutuk pun macam dah buang masa.

And then there's the usual. Exam jitters, study stress and all. Despite the hardship i was going through earlier that year, my grades were pretty good. In fact, i'm even surprised by myself to be able to achieve those grades. Felt like saying "Hah! In your face!" to them but naaah that wouldnt make me a better person. But i did make one jealous hewhew.

Talk about jealousy, 2011's a bit weird for me because i had to handle a lot of jealousy problems... towards me. First, that doesnt even make sense. Why should anyone be jealous of me? Looking at myself in the mirror, all i see is an ugly girl with perut buncit. I'm not even adorable, smart, nor special in any way. Other girls should never have insecurities when dealing with me, cause girl, i aint got nothing. And last time i checked, it's not wrong for a girl to be friends with boys. I was never going to steal anyone's man, or even control anyone in any way. I know the boundaries. But when you let your insecurities eat you, then you're dead meat. This is really funny actually. Jealousy. Even typing the word makes me wanna laugh. Haha.

Towards the end of the year, i think things turned out pretty well. I gained more friends, but the ones i lost, i will never take them back. Call me cold, but that's just the way i roll. But as things goes smoothly, i found myself enjoying too much, which resulted in the fall of my grades. Why is it that when i'm happy, my grades dropped? Maybe i should be miserable to be smart. Haha.

Anyway, i think the biggest thing that 2011 had taught me is TO NOT EVER TRUST PEOPLE SO EASILY. I'm finding it harder to trust people now. I'm always having doubts and negative thoughts. And with that, i lose hope. In fact, i dont even hope for anything anymore. Because i dont trust anyone to even give hope on them. And i think that will save me from all the heartbreak (Ok serious aku bercakap ni macam orang putus cinta. Tapi masih tak). Pathetic, huh? Gosh, this has got to stop. It makes me sound like i should go and see a therapist and talk about it.

So my 2012's resolution? To learn to trust again. And to have more friends, better grades, be a better muslimah and daughter. And maybe a new relationship? Hewhew. Ni semua sebab kawan kawan dok tweet azam 2012 nak cari calon suami/bini. Shit gatal sungguh semuanya. Mentang mentang dah 20 semua bajet matured puii. Haha.

Oh well. Actually i dont have specific resolutions, cause i'd end up screwing them anyway. So why bother. But i do want to improve myself as a person this year. Let's hope future Nina is better than present Nina!

Happy New Year guys. The world ends in 2012? Lols. Korang lek je k.

Bagaimana aku habiskan sisa sisa 2011

Wah lamanya sudah tidak dijenguk blog ni. Tapi aku tau tak ada yang peduli. Tak mengapa. Aku masih peduli, walau sedikit. Banyak yang berlaku sejak aku abandon blog ni buat seketika. Maka eloklah kiranya aku update sedikit sebanyak yang mampu, incase ada peminat rahsia yang sedang gila meroyan nak tahu perkembangan aku. Ha ha. Annoyingnya saya.


1. BBQ

Satu BBQ telah kami adakan bersama teman teman rapat di rumah Damia. Sebenarnya BBQ yang dibuat itu tak ada tujuan yang spesifik pun. Cuma kami yang terasa terlebih rebel nak conquer rumah Damia memandangkan ibu bapanya telah berangkat ke Australia selama sebulan. Wah punyalah rebel kami ni, sampai kereta pun kami angkut sampai ke Shah Alam. Tak salah berlagak sekejap, tak naik bas pergi ke kelas pun dah rasa hebat. Hekhek.

Oh berbalik kepada cerita BBQ tadi. Semuanya kami buat sendiri. Yang lelaki, si Zuley dan Alief pagi pagi lagi dah ke pasar bersama maam besar Damia. Aku dengan Adilin masih sedap beradu haha namun sebelum kau nak suarakan ketidakpuashatian, setelah mereka balik dari pasar aku tolong mereka potong basuh apa semua okay. Menjelang malam, makanan pun dah sedia untuk diBBQ. Namun sebelum itu kami pick up dulu Syahira, Ainaa, Asma dan AG untuk memeriahkan lagi majlis. Sepatutnya si Syamim pun turut serta namun ada halangan. Tak mengapalah. BBQ malam itu tetap hebat. Aku siap naik atas penyapu dan berangan jadi Harry Potter. Ah yang itu tak payah hurai banyak lah hehe.

2. Rock The World 2011

Tiga tahun dulu mungkin aku akan excited gila dapat hadirkan diri ke Rock The World. Tapi itu aku yang dulu. Aku yang sekarang dah tak layan muzik indie sangat. Sebab dah tak berapa nak indie. Dulu mungkin aku rasa cool gila mosh mosh di kalangan manusia manusia yang ketiaknya berpeluh. Tapi tidak sekarang. Aku geli.

Tapi aku hadirkan juga diri ke Rock The World 2011. Sebab member punya pasal. Aku ikut saja kehendak si Zuley yang bajet rockers. Maka pergilah kami ke event tu, ada 4 orang - aku, Zuley, Damia, Alief - dengan aku yang hati separuh rela (hehe sorry). Sepatutnya si Syamim pun ikut sekali tapi biasalah mamat tu ada saja halangannya dekat Penang. Aku pergi sana, aku blur tak tau nak buat apa. Aku tengok budak budak sekolah yang mosh tak sedar diri dekat tengah padang, lalu aku teringat diri aku sendiri beberapa tahun yang lalu. Shit. Gila spoilt aku yang dulu. Nasib baik sekarang dah ada common sense, aku tengok dan enjoy muzik dari jauh saja. Apa apa pun, performance hari itu agak ok. Aku enjoy dengan Monoloque, Pesawat, dan beberapa band yang aku tak kenal. Tapi Bittersweet, memang awesome as always.

3. Sambutan konon surprise birthday aku

Aku tulis "konon", sebab surprise tak berapa nak menjadi. Haha. Tapi aku terharu dengan percubaan mereka untuk sorokkan dari aku. Walaupun sebenarnya dah nampak kegelabahan masing masing, aku diamkan saja. Pada mulanya memang aku tak tahu apa apa, tapi ada lah seorang ni baik punya pergi baca text orang lain, lepastu dikantoikan ke aku. Damn spoiler. Hari itu mereka beriya iya ajak aku karaoke. Bila aku tolak, aku dimarah. Aku pun setuju. Masa tu aku tak tahu lagi. Bila harinya tiba, satu satu masalah datang. Tempat karaoke tak ada lah, kereta tak ada lah, practice tarian habis lambat lah. Macam macam. Dan pada waktu itu sudah terserlah kegelabahan masing masing. Sumpah aku geli hati haha. Tapi aku kesiankan mereka sebenarnya.

Last last sambutan birthday aku dibuat di Redbox Sunway Pyramid. Mahal nak mampus, tapi aku layankan aja. It's the thought that counts kan. Aku tunggu tunggu ja bila nak keluar kek ni (hehe) dan tiba tiba muncullah si Syamim membawa kek rainbow, dan yang paling anehnya dia sedang memakai baju Batman aku (kurang ajar ni haha). Yang ini memang satu surprise buat aku, sebab aku tak tahu yang mamat tu ada di KL. Ok lah. Kita bagi credit sikit pada team ni sebab atleast ada satu surprise yang menjadi. Haha. Malam itu kami karaoke puas puas, dan kemudian disambung dengan sesi perang bermain laser tag. Yang paling kelakarnya kami berenam terpaksa berhimpit di belakang kereta Myvi Aiemaan macam sardin. Kek rainbow aku pulak - yang datangnya jauh dari Penang, dan rupanya cute nak mati - macam princess sebab dapat duduk dengan selesa di dalam kereta atas pangkuan awek Aiemaan.

Terima kasih team - Damia, Zuley, Syamim, Alief - sebab berusaha sedaya upaya nak menjayakan surprise tu. Aku terharu lah, serious. Nampak sangat korang sayang aku kan hewhew. Aku sayang gila kek aku. Comel dan sedap. Walaupun ada orang tu hilangkan birthday present aku, namun dapat dimaafkan sebab telah diganti oleh seutas necklace dan cincin yang cantik. Hehe. Terima kasih. Rasa nak peluk korang sampai lemas.

4. Christmas

Baru baru ini keluarga aku ada buat sambutan Christmas. Siapa siapa yang kenal aku memang sudah maklum dengan latar belakang aku yang datang dari keluarga yang berbagai agama dan bangsa. Senang kata, mak aku dulu muallaf. Ya aku tahu sebagai seorang Muslim menyambut Christmas itu salah. Tapi sebagai salah seorang ahli keluarga, adalah sopan jika aku turut hadirkan diri. Mungkin bukan meraikan, cuma join gitu gitu saja.

Tapi kalau family aku party, kami memang party baik punya. Family aku ni memang ada penyakit suka karaoke. Jadi kalau ada majlis macam ni memang kami karaoke 24jam. Aku kena gelak tahun ni sebab aku pilih lagu Percayalah dari Siti Nurhaliza untuk dinyanyikan di hadapan orang ramai. Sebab selama ni aku pilih lagu English, tup tup tahun ini aku pilih lagu Siti. Kan dah kurang macho di situ (Aku rasa ni semua pengaruh sesi karaoke bersama geng geng di Shah Alam). Tapi tak kisah lah. Hasilnya, aku dapat RM100 sebab nyanyi. Family kau ada macam tu? Hehe. Lepastu kami main macam macam game. Siapa menang game pun dapat duit.

Christmas tahun ni istimewa sedikit, sebab ada tetamu dari KL datang. Cousin aku, Abg Luqman datang bersama tunangnya untuk dikenalkan kepada seisi keluarga. Abg Luq ni cool je cerita love story dia dekat kami semua. Comel gila ok dorang. Aku jealous sikit.

5. Trip to Sabah bersama cousins

Sehari selepas Christmas, kalau orang lain dekat luar negara ada Boxing Day, aku dan cousins bergerak ke Sabah untuk bercuti. Yeah i know, tak fancy mana pun cuti dekat Sabah tu. Sabah je kot, sebelah je. Tapi kami had fun. Tak pernah kot bercuti dengan cousins only. Yang join trip tu semuanya berumur dari lingkungan 26 - 15 tahun. No adults means more partying!

(But then, malam Christmas uncle aku decide untuk join jugak. Drastically. Malam itu juga dia beli flight ticket. Esoknya dia kata, benda ni dia buat smabil tak sedar sebab mabuk banyak minum beer. Haha alahai.)

Mula mula kami ke Karambunai. Tagline resort dekat sana is "Some say it's heaven". Well heaven it is! Tempatnya cantik MasyaAllah. Kami duduk dekat villa tiga bilik, berhadapan terus dengan pantai. Boleh imagine kan view kami macam mana? Villa tu sendiri tak payah cakap la. Sangat cantik, kami siap ada pool sendiri. Satu pool dalam dan dua pool kecil yang cetek. Lepas tu kami berpindah ke Likas Square, iaitu sejenis condominium hotel. Kami juga ada menjejakkan kaki ke Pulau Manukan dan Pulau Mamutik untuk snorkeling dan sunbathing. Di sana, hari itu dalam sejarah, aku telah memakai contact lens bua pertama kalinya. Hewhew. Lame bukan.

All in all, Sabah was okay. Kami banyak pusing KK shopping. Sambil shopping kami perhatikan Sabahans. Aku rasa aku kurang gemar dengan hospitality mereka. Especially di Karambunai. Oh well. Yang pasti, cousins lelaki aku semua dah jatuh hati dengan awek Sabah sebab setiap malam aku perlu join perbincangan mereka tentang tahap ke-hot-an awek awek Sabah. Jejaka jejaka gantang Sabah, mana kamu menyorok??


Rasanya sampai di situ sajalah cerita aku kali ini. Ini semua cerita penting, cerita yang aku nak ingat sampai bila bila. Cerita cerita sampingan tu tak payah cerita lah. Sekarang dah pun masuk tahun baru. Mari kita buat cerita baru!

Kalau dah masuk tahun baru mesti ada orang buat entri cliche kan. Di mana dia akan recap semua benda yang berlaku pada tahun sebelumnya, dan kemudian membuat azam baru untuk tahun yang mendatang. Agak agak aku perlu ke buat entri cliche macam tu?

Hmm. We'll see. Kita jumpa lagi! Harap harap soon!