Monday, March 26, 2012

Long overdue post: Superman turns 20

This is waaaaay overdue.

Since i've been keeping this story for so long, i dont think i have the right mood and mojo to blog about this properly anymore. But hey gotta be fair, ayy? So let's make this quick and simple.

1. Superman themed cake, because he's such a Superman wannabe.

2. A watch as present.

3. Done at Sepang Gold Coast, 5 IN THE MORNING

4. We didnt sleep the whole night preparing for his birthday celebration, in order to make the surprise work

5. Eggs and flour were thrown that day.

6. Since it's a surprise, we had his eyes closed with clothes tied around his head. He struggled hard like some lunatic getting seizures. SO NOT COOPERATIVE.

7. Happy belated 20th, Zuley :)

Being 20 doesnt separate us from our inner child, indeed.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Just something i got from Tumblr

Favorite TV Shows
Pick your top 5 shows at the moment, and answer the following questions. Don’t cheat.

1. How I Met Your Mother

2. The Big Bang Theory

3. American Horror Story

4. Chuck

5. Pretty Little Liars

1. Who is your favorite character in 2?
Need i say more? SHELDON COOPER of course! He's the reason why i watch the show

2. Who is your least favorite character in 1?
Between the gang, i've gotta pick Marshall. I dont hate him, just the least favourite.

3. What’s your favorite episode of 4?
The episode where Chuck got kidnapped and was brought to Thailand and Sarah went crazy searching for him. It was the episode where Sarah asked Chuck to marry him :') I shed a couple of tears, really

4. What is your favorite season of 5?
Well as for now the show has only 2 seasons, and i think the 2nd season is better

5. What’s your favorite relationship in 3?
Tate & Violet! Beyond freaky but so romantic in its own weird way

6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
Leonard & Priya. I dont like Priya, just because...

7. How long have you watched 1?
I have just started last year, but up till now i have watched each and every one of the episodes in all 7 seasons

8. How did you become interested in 4?
Purely television

9. Who is your favorite actor in 2?
Jim Parsons aka Shedon Cooper... DUHH!! That man is just too funny

10. Which show do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Close one between 1 & 2. But i think How I Met Your Mother wins. The show never fails to entertain

11. Which show have you seen more episodes of? 1 or 3?
How I Met YourMother. It has more episodes but I have seen all of both

12. If you could be anyone from 3 who would you be?
I would like to be Tate please :)

13. How would you kill off your favorite character in 1?
Probably Ted brutally slaughtered by the woman of her dreams? But no i would never kill Ted off! It doesnt make sense anyway if he's dead. The whole show is about him talking all this while to his children

14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Sure. Instead of making Chuck an incredible spy, the Intersect would make him an awesome ghostbuster with a digital sixth sense. Sarah could be the ghost of the house or something. Ok i have no idea what i'm writing about.

15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple
Ted and Robin? They are VERY UNLIKELY to happen now due to the current awkward situation going on between them, but they still make an okay couple. They were once a couple after all.

16. Over all, which show has a better cast, 3 or 5?
Gotta give credits to the cast of American Horror Story as they are some big names and talented actors there. But Pretty Little Liars' casts are all pretty faces, hard not to love em!

17. Which show has a better soundtrack, 1, 4 or 5?
Definitely Pretty Little Liars.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

From KAMI to Projek Pop

Memandangkan entri kali ni temanya ada unsur unsur Malaysia sikit so aku pun nak menulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Kalau guna English nanti macam tak kena pula. Macam poyo pun ada.

Hari tu aku ada tengok satu cerita dekat 8tv tajuknya Projek Pop. Gempak jugak lah. Ada Christina Suzanne, Iedeil Putra, Hujan. Aku tengok muka muka ni ada je aku dah menggelabah excited.

Projek Pop mengisahkan tentang susah senang belakang tabir pembikinin sebuah konsert. Tunjuk macam mana proses kecoh kecoh belakang stage apa semua. Siap dengan soundcheck gone wrong lah, wartawan menyibuk lah, artis bajet demanding habis diva lah and whatnot.

Dari episod pertama ni aku tengok, macam agak promising. Boleh sampai tahap Ahad depan aku nak duduk tercangkung bersimpuh depan tv semata mata nak tengok episod 2. Ada satu scene ni di mana Noh Hujan dengan Radhi OAG berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Sarawak haha ok sumpah lawak and best gila. Radhi OAG woi. Epic tu! Lepas tu aku dengar nanti akan ada beberapa lagi yang akan buat cameo, like Liyana Fizi. Wey, sumpah looking forward to that episode *fangirling*.

But with all the Malaysian indie acts involved in this series, i cant help remembering the days when Kami was aired, also on 8tv. Kami, i think (correct me if i'm wrong), was the first show that's brave enough to introduce the country's indie scene and took it to a whole new level.

Eh aku ni dah apahal tiba tiba tukar bahasa? Poyo... Poyo...

Siapa tak suka tengok Kami? Masa tu siapa yang tak tengok Kami serious tak cool. Aku tak ingat sangat, tapi rasanya masa tu aku Form 3? Form 4? Zaman zaman baru nak rasa remaja, baru nak rebel bajet troublesome buat benda benda tak elok supaya sepuluh tahun lepas tu boleh look back dan cakap macam ni

"I've done that and i regretted it."

Masa tu aku dekat asrama jadi aku tak boleh tengok dekat tv. Ahad malam aku ada prep. Jadi demi untuk sentiasa kelihatan cool, aku pun bertungkus lumus catch up episodes of Kami yang aku tertinggal dekat internet. Ya, memang desperate sampai macam tu. Sebab alasan paling utama aku tonton Kami adalah supaya aku nampak cool.

Ok tipu. Alasan paling utama aku tonton Kami ialah Ali.

Ok tipu lagi. Sebenarnya aku nak tengok Kami sebab cerita ni memang best. Kami mengisahkan tentang 5 sahabat yang bersama sama mengharungi liku liku kehidupan seorang remaja. Masing masing ada masalah sendiri, cerita sendiri. Tidak tipikal seperti drama drama Melayu yang lain.

Aku masih ingat tagline cerita Kami yang sangat popular masa tu. Asyik asyik ada orang buat status Myspace. Kalau masa tu Twitter dah up macam sekarang, mesti hari hari nampak ada orang tweet sampai jadi trending topic.

"Hidup ini memang palat, tapi hari esok masih ada"

Pehhh, mendalam siot.

Kami ni ramai peminat, jadi aku pelik sedikit kenapa tak ada season 2. Season 1 dah lah 8 episod je. Instead, kau bagi kitorang Kami The Movie. Aku prefer season 2 daripada movie kot. Dah lah dalam movie tu tak pasal pasal kau bunuh Abu. Shit!

Zaman ni aku memang dah berjinak sedikit dengan muzik muzik indie. Couple, Estrella, Bunkface (masa ni Bunkface tak masuk mainstream lagi, masih cool) dan sebagainya memenuhi playlist MP3 aku. Jadi bila aku tengok Kami, aku jadi makin terdorong. Aku mula rasa nak pergi gig. Aku tak kata lah aku ni jenis hardcore minat underground muzik ke apa, but after that i've watched OAG, Bunkface, Estrella, Couple, Bittersweet, The Times, Butterfingers (and probably more, i couldnt remember) perform live.

Tapi sekarang dah tak. Macam aku cakap dalam post Rock The World tempoh hari, my indie days were way over. Bawak aku pergi gig kecil kecil boleh lah. Tapi kalau sampai nak mosh... i'm too old for that shit. Tapi aku tak tinggalkan 100% muzik muzik indie ni. Dalam playlist aku masih ada Liyana Fizi (sebab Estrella dah tak ada tsk tsk), Bedroom Sanctuary, Society, Diandra Arjunaidi, etc. Although aku tak tahu adakah muzik muzik sebegitu masih dilabel sebagai indie sebab mostly sekarang semua nak kejar masuk mainstream.... Hmm what a pity.

Anyway, bottom point is,


I missed those moment. Aku tengok Projek Pop, aku teringat Kami, aku teringat muzik...

So i'm watching Kami all over again! Yay! Tengah episod 6 ni! Masih in the mood! Bye nak sambung!

p/s: Catch Projek Pop on 8tv every Sunday, 10.30pm ke 11pm entah. Aku cakap entah sebab promotion iklan semua kata 10.30pm tapi haritu aku tengok dekat tv pukul 11pm so.... mindfucked.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Just because i have nothing better to do

It has come to a point during my holidays where i have nothing better to do so i decided to blog about petty little things.

I was bored earlier. And when i'm bored, my laptop became my bestfriend. I clicked and scrolled. When suddenly i came across this one video of two little small twins dancing to Bruno Mars' Lazy Song.

You know i have this fascination towards cute kids, right? I adore them too much that sometimes i ended up making a fool of myself. For example, whenever i see cute kids or babies around, i would shamelessly pinch their cheeks or pat their head if i feel like it. I couldnt care less with the angry glares i got from their annoyed parents.

My friends hate it when i do that. Did i embarass you guys? Yeah? I will not stop. Haha

Anyways, back to the video i was writing about. I couldnt help myself from clicking since, err, hello. KIDS + DANCING = MAJOR CUTENESS. The Bruno Mars video was so cute and funny, they imitated the dance steps quite well and even pulled their pants down while doing the dance in their panties like Bruno Mars did in his video! So horny cheeky oneee.

I was amazed so i watched more of their videos (as of now, i have watched them all teehee). Turns out those were videos of them playing Just Dance on Wii, posted by their parents. They became a Youtube sensation some time last year, but i have never heard of them till a couple of hours ago. Noob alert, okay, whatever.

This one up here is my favourite, where they did LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem. I love how they showed some attitude, being all gangsta and trying to shufle and all. So bloody adorable i feel like slapping them right on their chubby lil faces.

And I cannot give these cuties enough credits for being so talented! They danced so well, even better than some people of my own age.

I cant help noticing the fact that these twins were always in matching clothes. How adorable! They made me want to have twins of my own, but haha who am i kidding. I aint gonna squeeze two big melons out from my vagina, nu'uh! But when i do have kids, i would definitely teach them to dance like Justin & Jeremy over here. Or i can teach them to sing while playing battle with me on Singstar...

Being all gangsta

But first i have to find a cute future husband so that, hopefully with the mashed-up genes, my kids will be the cutest creature anyone had ever seen.

Challenge accepted!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

This is a rare post, where i complain about my holidays

Last week was both fun and sad.

I started my semester break last week but didnt went home straight away. Stayed in Shah Alam for a week as i was required to perform on the 28th. A week spent in Shah Alam was a bore, but not completely. I still had fun occasionally. Let's see. What did i do last week that can at least be considered as fun?

I went shopping with the book vouchers i got. Yeah that's fun. Late night supper out with the bunch, that's fun too. Oh. And we did Zuley's birthday celebration the other day at Sepang Gold Coast. God, he was such a pain in the ass, wouldnt even cooperate for his own birthday party. For one milisecond there i was convinced i was friends with a chimpanzee. So freaking annoying! Haha. Would probably blog properly bout this one once the photos are uploaded.

I think that's about it. Other days would just found me in my apartment watching downloaded tv shows or reading books i bought earlier. Like a sad sad lonely person. It comes to a point where dance practice would become the only thing i look forward to everyday.

Speaking of which, the performance went well. I guess. I did two performances, in which one was terribly done in my opinion but the other one was quite a success. But feedbacks were not so bad so i guess i didnt humiliate myself completely that night, oh thank God. Unfortunately, not a lot of photos of me were taken that night since i was too busy eating. If i wasnt on stage, i was at my table eating. That pretty much sums up how my night went.

Somewhere along the week, i received a bad news. My friends and i were heartbroken when we heard bout the news and everyone was so gloomy. But i dont want to elaborate on this since everything is not official yet. Right now, we're just hoping for the best and our prayers answered.

Anyways, i am home now. One month of semester break, whoa. Believe me, that's the longest holiday i've ever got since i entered college. One bloody whole month. What am i going to do here??