Sunday, July 3, 2011

World War 3

My final exam starts tomorrow. Final exam means war. Battle.

It's do or die.

Because if i fail, i don't just get scoldings and shame. I'd be a drop out. Wouldn't want that to happen.

So peeps please pray for me. And with that, i hope that Allah will listen to our prayers and let me succeed. I am sorry to those i've hurt, the ones i've offended. Even the Prophet forgives, so why won't you?

I will try my best, insyaAllah. Aku dah separuh gila ni belajar pagi petang siang malam.

But on the other hand, i can't stop thinking of our plans after the exams. LOOKING FORWARD TO PENANG!


Anonymous said...


Heynutter said...

thnks key :)