Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Review #3: Source Code

This movie tells you about the story of a soldier, Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal ftw) who wakes up in a body of an unknown man and finds out that he is actually a part of a government experiment called "Source Code" to find the bomber of a Chicago train.

Senang kata, cerita ni brilliant. For me personally, i favour brilliant movies like this because it got me thinking throughout the movie. Macam macam questions akan popped into your head. Siapa? Apa? How the hell? Mengapakah? Just like Inception (kalau belum tonton, baik tonton sekarang), it made me leave the cinema satisfied.

The casts juga boleh tahan. Gabungan Jake Gyllenhaal dan Michelle Monaghan telah memberi satu bonus feature untuk filem ni. And not to forget, Vera Farmiga yang turut memainkan watak dengan baik.

Tapi apa yang aku paling suka tentang filem ni, is the ending. Just when you thought that everything couldn't get any more complicated, and you're pretty sure that the movie's over, tiba tiba ada satu penemuan yang mengejutkan telah berlaku. Kebarangkalian untuk kau menjerit "Fuyohh" dalam hati itu sangat tinggi, because i know i did. Oh dan lagi satu, scene ketika Colter menelefon ayahnya setelah sekian lama. Like shit setan sungguh. Tak boleh nak sedih lagi ke. Aku hampir nangis tahu?

Dalam filem ni juga, ayat ni selalu kedengaran: "If you knew you have 1minute to live, what would you do?" ah lebih kurang begitulah ayatnya aku kurang pasti. Kali pertama, Colter menjawab "I'd call my dad". Nice one. Memang wajar lah kalau kita tahu kita cuma ada satu minit untuk hidup, kita pilih ibu bapa kita. Tanpa disedari, banyak sebenarnya dosa kita terhadap mereka ohmygod hanya Tuhan je yang tahu. That's why calling them and apologizing seems like a good idea. Tapi kalau ni filem Islam, mesti jawapan Colter would be "I'd repent and beg Allah's forgiveness". Haha ye dok?

But the weirdest thing is, kali kedua, Colter menjawab "I'd kiss you again" kepada Christina. What the whaat!? You're about to die and all you can think of is kissing a girl?

Gila. Gua dah kata dah bulan April ni bulan mengawan pfft.

Giving the movie 4.5/5 stars.

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