Saturday, September 10, 2011

In less than 24 hours i will be facing reality.

And it kinda bugs me. Having to end my two weeks of holidays (which i rarely get, and when i mean rarely, i do mean it in a hundred million years way) and starting to go back to the old routine of going to classes again really sucks big time.

I used to think that when i am off to college, i won't have this feeling again. You know, the feeling i get back then everytime i had to go back to the hostel. They don't have the exact word for this feeling. It's not homesick, no. Not even lazy, no that's not strong enough. Scared? Maybe, but still not quite getting to the point.

Bottom point is, it's "that" feeling.

And i have another feeling that's been interfering my usual self lately. It's pretty confusing. I have a "this" and "that" feeling that i can't even name. Does normal people have that? Or is that just me being weird and mentally ill?


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